Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Escaping to the Cold

Alright, I'm a little distracted from my usual writing because I'm going to the Yukon tomorrow. I'm volunteering at the Canada winter games. I will be cooking for 6000 people a day for 20 days. Anyways I am quite unsure of what to expect, but I think I'll experience some tests of faith while I'm there. Although that reminds me of how many daily oppurtunities we have to set ourselves apart from the heathens. I can't help but quote Michelle, "don't do something that a non-christian could do just as well". I know I'm guilty of joining the wrong conversations, not serving with all of me, or avoiding my faith because of embarassment. Take time to asses daily situations and avoid compromising your integrity as a witness.

Monday, February 19, 2007


I was moved by the church service yesterday, so I thought I'd share. It was all about being silent before God, finding a place and time to marinate in his presence. Among all the hassles of life I find that I fall into a grab and go style of prayer. I come to God make a weak attempt at acknowledging him in all his greatness, then I selfishly go into the requests and feel that I am nothing more than a clanging cymbal. Now Jesus always took time on his own to talk to the father, in the garden, in the desert. So why do we avoid separation from our concerns? I encourage you to go and find your secret place, so that you may be silent, and just listen.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

From the Dust

From this selfish state I will be broken, like a dropped plate.
my mind eludes me, I believe it's lies, running, trying to escape my demise.
stumbling, falling in the abyss, temporarily I trust in short lived bliss.
the trap i'm in, it's gross, it's filthy, it's known as sin.
I cannot fool myself any longer, this hypocritical life has never been wronger.
desperate i look to heaven, misplaced, I stick out like finger eleven.
this is the right mood, realizing i'll only be filled with spiritual food.
my utmost is for his highest, but my will will always be biased.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Take Captive Every Thought

As we grow in a meaningfull relationship with christ, surrender should be our main focus. Specifically today I will share some thoughts on surrendering our thoughts. What it means to give your thoughts to God is to get rid of all selfish, violent, and lustful parts of ourselves that lurk beneath the surface. Our imagination is a dangerous thing, it controls what we are actually feeling, it knows what the evil desire of our heart is. The reason that the mind is such a dangerous thing is because you are the only one who can control it, it is only accountable to you ( and God but we pretend like he's not there). "Still waters run deep,muddy waters won't keep, what's done in secret comes to life"-Grits. When we change all our thoughts to glorify God, when our imagination is directed on envisioning Christ, the impact is uncomparable. If you can live, breathe and dream Christ then- wow it's unbelievable. Let's make this life a dress rehearsal for heaven.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Check out the words that Flame brings in this song "Wars of the Mind".

Wars of the Mind

Verse 1: Sometimes I feel like Moses man I just want to run to Midian/ just to change my state but not the state where my city’s in/ but my state of mind/ look for a sign like Gideon/ cause my faith is wavering I’m forsaking dependence again/ you took me from Egypt just to make me a leader/ but like Moses I’m not an eloquent speaker/ I’m not eloquent either/ not before nor after you’ve spoken/ me in ministry you’ve gotta be jokin’/ I feel like Jeremiah/ here are my bones Lord and here is my fire/ I’m inadequate to represent the messiah/ call me the weepin’ rapper/I read a chapter then I’m heapin’ up laughter/ because I’m weak and I can see the disaster of me in ministry/ I feel Job I curse the day of my birth/ since I was born its only payin’ me hurt/ my insecurities worse/ sometimes I wish that that night was barren/ either that or Lord send me an Aaron

Verse 2: This song is for you my sisters and brothers who strugglin’ with depression/ not just the blues but a struggle with depression/ maybe it’s clinical and got you taking medicine/ or maybe not but you taking counseling session and/ that’s excellent/ take your medicine/ if you need it cause this is pleasin’ to Jesus/ I write this song for the schizophrenic/ who only gets left alone and throne in a hospital only to panic/ and whose family doesn’t understand/ so they treat you like an animal but never would the Son of Man/ for those who ask what’s going inside of me/ who feels bound by fear bound by anxiety/ I write to you because I know the/ very God who’s in control of bipolar/ I write to those who wrestle with thoughts of suicide/ don’t do it cause Jesus loves you for you He died
Hook: For every tear that you cry for all of the wars in your mind and the fears that you hide know that He’s there know that He’s walking with you I know that it’s hard to press on when the nights seem so long remember His word is your hope so know that He cares know that He’s walking with you

Verse 3: The core problem is that Adam sinned/ and since then to now its 8 out of 10/ women and men and children who struggle with depression/ especially house wives and preachers they’re people who struggle with depression/ I write this song for that introverted/ insecure person that’s training his thoughts into thinking he’s worthless/ God made you/ God can save you/ in everything you can give Him worship/ you’re not worthless/ Lord I pray for the mentally ill/ that in your ministry you mentally heal/ those who suffer with it/ if not now then you eventually will heal your children that are mentally ill/ for now they suffer with it/ give us the strength just deal with your will/ because we sinners and we wrestle with it/ just like Job did it/ I write this song for those who were sexually abused/ lookin’ for weaponry to use seek Jesus

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Something that struck me today is the need for humility. I know it isn't easy to be humble in this world. Our society is fuelled by wealth and power. The need to be humble is especially important to christians. By humbling ourselves to God and to others we give up control and truly make our bodies a living sacrifice. When we surrender control of our futures, relationships, and pride we open ourselves to whatever God is trying to say. Try doing something without expecting recognition, without thinking of yourself. Do dishes if they aren't yours, shovel a driveway for someone, encourage a person in your life. You may dislike the saying but there is truth in these words, what would Jesus do?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Alright, it has come to my attention recently that the world is encased in addictions. My question is, what is the draw? Why do people become addicted to tobacco, alcohol and sex. It has to be more than the obvious stimulants that attract people. I am asking this question in all honesty, coming from a close minded christian home. I understand that once a person is hooked it is a chemical fight inside of them. Or is it our sinful nature that screws us over? Are all addicts just weak willed people? I really can't get my head around this, maybe it's just because I get my high from the Most High.

Monday, February 12, 2007

First Rant

I don't know how many of you have seen the new Nike commercial, but I am quite put off by it. The commercial features bold symphonic music and quick attractive images, not unlike most commercials. It was the end that shocked me, the commercial ends with a white track suit clad baskeball team strutting towards the camera with the sunrise behind them. This is not the problem and it not a problem that they happen to be of a colored race i am not racist. The kicker was the ending when text appears on the bottom of the screen readin,g "The Second Coming". I may be out of line here but I think that was blasphemy, I think that Nike just compared their products to the return of Jesus. This, to me is unnacceptable, to have my Lord, my Saviour compared to pieces of thread. I challenge my readers to look for the ills of society, to put on your God goggles and see the world for what it is, prepare yourself for depression.