Sunday, November 7, 2010


Recently I found myself at a loss for words before the Lord. I wish I could say it was because I was in awe of our creator and his mercy for a sinner like me, but the cause was quite the opposite. The reason for my stagnant state was a cold heart and an indifference towards my saviour. I had lost the passion, Jesus was not my satisfaction. Instead I had allowed myself to beieve that my pattern, my well oiled regiment of getting up early and reading His word was enough. It was like a correspondent that consistently wrote me letters but I never cared to return any. To me the word seemed dead and unresponsive.

I give all credit to to the Spirit working in to bring me back to my knees before Jesus, but i will let you know where he led me on the way. Good friends of mine referred me to a Lou Sutera prayer seminar at their church. I was hungry for more knowledge and was able to make it to two of the three meetings. Through these meeting I was deeply convicted on my attitude and failure to bring things to my Savior. Since this initial motivation the joy that can only be found in the Lord is slowly returning to me. There are many other factors and influences that have helped me along but I will not go into them at this time.

Simply put: To believe is to pray
Without prayer I deny that God exists by refusing to acknowledge him. When I say that I am a christian yet do not communicate that first of all to Christ it is hypocrisy. How can I lead a household without the Lord? How can I be a missionary to children and the community if I deny Christ's work in my own heart?

5 You come to the help of those who gladly do right,
   who remember your ways.
But when we continued to sin against them,
   you were angry.
   How then can we be saved?
6 All of us have become like one who is unclean,
   and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;
we all shrivel up like a leaf,
   and like the wind our sins sweep us away.
7 No one calls on your name
   or strives to lay hold of you
for you have hidden your face from us
   and have given us over to[a] our sins. Isaiah 64:5-7

They did not call on the Lord and were given over to their sins... 

Call on Jesus, bring everything before him.

Monday, November 1, 2010


I'll admit I've been absent from posting in the last little while. It is not without good reason that I have remained in this state of silence. I try to make this blog a place where the way I can communicate the truth's of God's word, warnings of this deceptive world and perhaps a few verbal and literal pictures of the beautiful world we live in. There now that I have stated the purpose of this space it is more clearly communicated to you and as well to myself. As it is too late in the evening for me to formulate proper thoughts here are some pictures.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lecrae-Background Ft. C-Lite Video

This is a pretty weak rebirth into blogging but at least its something. Check out the video, listen to the words let them pierce you. I may or may not resemble C-lite you can decide for yourself. Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

you can keep all that junk to yourself

Alright I wouldn't recommend you actually keep junk to yourself, I would recommend you get rid of it and please don't give it to any other poor person. If you haven't read my dear wife's blog you will find that our family is currently a resounding gong(with love). It has come to our attention, or rather we have been convicted by God on our use and view of our one precious life. I like to call it, "inhaling properly". We live on air, we expect and need to breathe in clean air or we will die. As Christians we need to make sure the air we breathe is clean and frequent enough to actually sustain. Watching an awful movie or indulging in that one television series is like putting your mouth to a tailpipe only once and a while. The negative effects of a little bit of sin is much more devastating than you would expect. Through prolonged exhaust inhalation your lungs and lips become calloused, so does the discernment and desires of your heart. Instead of recoiling and sputtering the filth becomes attractive and even delicious. The majority of the world is in this state, greenhouse gases are better named Sin.

Thanks be to God for saving us from this plight, for giving us eyes to see and ears to hear. For those who are chosen this cancer is cured and they are renewed. Stop ignoring this sin in your life come to Christ and find life in him! Examine what you're allowing into yourself, and pray for the strength to do it with God.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Cross

There’s something you gotta see, journey with me

It’s approximately 30 A.D.

In the land of Israel- the city of Jerusalem

But on the outside there’s screams and loud cries

Through faith, this scene can be seen without eyes

The mean shout lies and seem to sound wise

As we inch through the crowd, we need to be cautious

A Roman execution, men on three crosses

But all the focus is on the one in the center

The gate closes behind you- no one can enter

The sight you behold is so odd, you’re stunned

The man hanging on the cross is God the Son

12 noon, it’s pitch-black because the sunshine’s lacking

Your minds can’t fathom this divine transaction

As slowly the sound becomes mostly drowned

You realize that you’re standing on holy ground


So forever will I tell

In three hours, Christ suffered more than any sinner ever will in hell (4x)


It’s where we see Your holiness- at the cross

We see that You’re controlling this- at the cross

We see how You feel about sin- at the cross

Your unfathomable love for men- at the cross

It’s where we see Your sovereignty- at the cross

We see our idolatry- at the cross

We know that there’s a judgment day- from the cross

May we never take our eyes away- from the cross

Verse 2

We’re now in the realm of the sublime and profound

With God at the helm it’s about to go down

The Father’s wrath precise will blast and slice

The priceless Master Christ as a sacrifice

Willingly, He’s under the curse

To be treated as if the Son was the worst scum of the earth

The scene is the craziest

Jesus being treated as if He is the shadiest atheist

How is it the Messiah is in the fiery pit

As if He was a wicked liar with twisted desires?

The One who’s sinless and just

Punished as if He was promiscuous and mischievous with vicious lust

The source of all godly pleasure

Tormented as if He was a foul investor or child molestor

How could He be bruised like He was a goodie two-shoes

who doesn’t think that she needs the good news?

He’s perfect in love and wisdom

But He’s suffering as if He constructed the corrupt justice system

We should mourn at the backdrop

Jesus torn like He’s on the corner with crack rock with porn on His laptop

What is this, kid? His gifts are infinite

But He’s hit with licks for religious hypocrites

He’s the Light, but being treated like

He’s the seedy type who likes to beat His wife

He’s treated like a rapist, treated like a slanderer

Treated like a racist or maybe a philanderer

Jesus being penalized like He had sin inside

Filled with inner pride while committing genocide

I could write for a billion years and still can’t name

All of the sins placed on the Lamb slain

But know this: the main thing the cross demonstrated

The glory and the holiness of God vindicated

The Cross (3 hours) by Shai LInne

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I have been reminded lately that the call to discern in today's Christianity is more pressing than ever. A lot of books are being promoted in churches that dethrone God and put man in driver seat. I'll admit that I cannot discern as well as I would like to, so I must research and trust others with what God has laid on their heart. Here is an article about the latest thing that's creeping into churches--

This website is also good

I may or may not write more on this later, but PLEASE! Research the books and materials coming into your church and your own hands!