Monday, February 12, 2007

First Rant

I don't know how many of you have seen the new Nike commercial, but I am quite put off by it. The commercial features bold symphonic music and quick attractive images, not unlike most commercials. It was the end that shocked me, the commercial ends with a white track suit clad baskeball team strutting towards the camera with the sunrise behind them. This is not the problem and it not a problem that they happen to be of a colored race i am not racist. The kicker was the ending when text appears on the bottom of the screen readin,g "The Second Coming". I may be out of line here but I think that was blasphemy, I think that Nike just compared their products to the return of Jesus. This, to me is unnacceptable, to have my Lord, my Saviour compared to pieces of thread. I challenge my readers to look for the ills of society, to put on your God goggles and see the world for what it is, prepare yourself for depression.

1 comment:

Mission Musings said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! I love it and I hope you will too!!