Sunday, May 13, 2007

The lighthouse, it guides ships in fog, darkness and turbulent waters. Without the light house ships wreck themselves upon a rocky shore or get lost in a billowing sea. I like the analogy of seeing Jesus as our lighthouse, maybe it's because a previous pastor liked as well I don't know. Just think about it you are a ship lost in the fog, you can keep afloat if your not moving and that's about it, you don't know which direction to go or what dangers lurk in the darkness. If you follow the light of the lighthouse(Jesus) you are led to safety, dry ground and a sense of certainty. I find comfort in the certainty of Christ, he is my dry ground, I no longer float around relying on "fate" or "luck". Does your life lack direction? The lighthouse allows just enough light for you to see directly in front of you. Can you see the beam through the darkness?

1 comment:

Andrea said...

what's sad is when people ignore the beam of the lighthouse and try to make it on their own. Sometimes it takes crashing to trust in Christ.