Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I apolagize for the lack of posts lately. It's just too nice outside and well, all my posts would lean towards my anxiousness to go home. I leave on friday the 22nd at approx. 5 o'clock. My estimated arrival would be early morning on the 24th. I faced a little persecution today, one of my classmates said that christians were like soldiers in how we sing and sit in rows. She also said we look mindless sitting in our pews. I'll admit call to worship readings are a little wierd. I almost tore a strip off of her but I just stayed calm. It worries me that the only response I could think of was to tear her down. I guess I need to work on responding in love. What would your response be? She is a difficult person to talk to without bringing up religion. Oh well back to studying.


Nate said...

Onward, Christian SoOoOldiers, Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
Forward into battle see His banners go!

joeysawatzky said...

ok it really wasn't that harsh but i was pretty riled up.

Andrea said...

haha that's the theme song for the KKK

Nate said...

Those jerks, they make everything look bad. Hymms, burning stuff, wearing hoods, what's next? Are they going to make ice cream the official food of the Klan? I guess it'd have to be vanilla ice cream, they're probably not into that chocolate stuff.

Mission Musings said...

Ken says it's very hard to get a reading off the congregants when he preaches. For the most part, this means we are probably all sitting there, devoid of emotion, saying, "Ok. Common. Impress me."

Joey said...

Yeah, i guess even if someone is really listening to the preacher you'd have your mouth dangling open and eyes kind of looking at nothing. We do have some odd manerisms.

Andrea said...

Any organized meeting can be seen as "soldier" like... the fact that your classmate is picking on Christians is simply because she doesn't want to understand us. I mean, we'd sit in a circle, but that would be a really huge circle. And we'd all sing different songs, but that would be so hard to concentrate! Anyways, her argument is rooted in bitterness, so trying to counter-act her accusations won't do anything.