Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sin separation

It is impossible for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle; so too is it impossible for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. It is not that the rich man was rich, it is that he held on to his riches before he would follow Christ.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It's almost Christmas if you haven't noticed yet. Work is steady because this is the season of eating. Half of my day consisted of standing behind a carving station cutting roast beef today. I'm excited to get 5-8 days off work and maybe go to Regina.

Lately I have felt the need to search for a deeper knowledge of Jesus. I've come to the scriptural conclusion that merely asking him into your heart is not enough, and that eternal life only comes from belief and repentance. Repentance meaning, "to think differently after", so true a true Christian must undergo change, not just say a prayer. I want to warn all those who do not know that they're road leads to destruction. Jesus spoke against the law because it had become the way in which Jews thought they guaranteed they're admission into paradise. He did not speak against the law so that we might ignore it. The biblical law was made to direct us to God. Look at the 13 letters to the churches, ignorance of the law led to disaster.

Now I would like to put forth how I heard the Gospel preached today by Paul Washer. There is no hope for mankind but Jesus. Jesus bore all our sin. God turned his face away from Jesus because Jesus had became sin upon the cross, and the all holy God cannot look upon sin. God crushed his son because he had become sin. Now because of Jesus' death we are able to commune with a holy God, despite our being made of sin.

So now what do you think God thinks of our sin when he killed his own son because he became sin?

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son. John 3:16

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The calm that quiets everything

I was lucky enough to have the day off today, it was a good day for regeneration. Once I finally escaped the house, the fresh falling snow hung in the air and crunched under foot like never before. This is the first real snow fall I've experienced in the City; it is incredible how much the snow quiets the traffic and even the thoughts. I've been revisiting why I am doing what I am. Am I doing it for God or even with him? I think the way I was hired into the Fairmont shows God at work, but I am not feeling it right now. Anyways, that is what is occupying my mind.