Sunday, February 10, 2008


"Blessed are the poor in spirit" Matthew 5:3

What does it mean to be poor in spirit? What does it mean to be poor? It means to be in poverty or have low quality.

Jesus teaches blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. So as I see it, when you are poor in money you need and want more money. To compare the spirit to money is not the greatest but it will work. To get more money you have to work at a job, put in more hours and more effort. To gain more spirit is exactly the same! When Jesus says this he knows that when someone is poor they are always trying to escape their poverty. Do you think your spirit is really satisfied? Our human spirit will never be satisfied with the worldly things, it takes new birth, it takes the coming of the holy spirit into you.

Look at the Israelites they lived most of their lives unsatisfied and always looking to other religions. They didn't have the holy spirit to guide them.

Don't deprive yourself the riches God has laid up for us in him. Feed your spirit, pray fast and read. So blessed are the poor in spirit because they continually hunger for what only God can give.

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