Monday, March 31, 2008


In Self seeking blindness I couldn't see the impact I was having on other people. I went to work and talked to my Sous Chef today. He assured me that I was doing well in my position and that he would be disappointed to see me leave before I was finished. God showed me that I was having an impact on the people around me. That was reassurance enough to know that this is where God wants me. It's all about Him and not about me.

Step out on the Water

I've been having some doubts lately about continuing in the cooking industry. It's probably been bothering me for about 2 months now. Originally, when I started schooling my mind was not where it should have been. When I decided to go to college my original intention was to run away from God. Only by God's grace did was I returned into his fellowship.

While at school I decided that I would use my cooking to serve the Lord. I found school interesting and I liked learning about cooking, but that's changed now in this apprenticeship. I have had no desire to continue learning, the food industry seems hollow to me, only glorifying the temporary things of this world. So basically it feels like I should be doing something else.

Studying the bible takes up more of my time than studying food so logically I made the decision that bible college would be the next step for me. I'm just putting this out there I have made no decisions yet. Is it ignorant to step out to nothing on what feels like faith? Don't most people change career paths a few times? If you ask me how I got into cooking I can't honestly tell you. Please pray for me and give me some of your insight, especially those who have life experience.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cast it all

You know what it's like, your job is stressing you out or God's vision for you isn't clear. I know I've been feeling it. The truth of the matter is that christ came and died to take those burdens.

1 Peter 5:6-8 (New International Version)

6Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 7Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
8Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

When you find humility you'll find anxiety that will comes with it. Humility is essential to any successful christian walk. In your anxiety is where your character is tested, it's tested for patience and for perseverance. It will take patience to wait on God's direction but it will take perseverance to remain steadfast in the Lord. It means looking to God in his Word, in your prayers and in fasting.

In your time of anxiety it's important to keep alert because in your selfish anguish doubt will come and the devil is always waiting to confirm your doubts. Hold on he's strong.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


My ways are not your ways Lord
My thought are not your thoughts
The life I live is not my own, but when

My vision is blurred at best
My motives are shot
Laid dead like bodies that rot

When can I see again?
When will the light shine through the cloud
Soon, I hope

Joy is hope in the Lord
Joy comes in the morning
It's been a long night

Friday, March 7, 2008

Can I tell them about you Lord?

Too often I find myself imagining situations where I get enough courage to approach people I don't know. It's the strangest thing, because as brave as I am in my mind I'm not that outgoing most of the time.

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”- Psalm 139:23-24

I can't tell if my anxious thoughts are pleasing to God or not, is it pride? It feels like I hold back because I don't want to do anything to hurt the name of Jesus. Yet by keeping silent I ultimately do damage to the anyone that was looking for God and I deprive them of that.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Why do you believe what you believe?

This is a question every Christian needs to ask themselves at least once. If you've grown up in a Christian home and the only thing you've got to assure your salvation is that you asked Jesus into your heart when you were 5, I'm worried for your soul. I know for myself that when I realized this it was the turning point in my faith. I'm very thankful for the environment that I grew up in, but it's that very environment that brought me a false sense of security. I thought that since I had prayed the prayer and I went to church that I was home free.

The point when I realized that Jesus was so much more than fire insurance was the point where my life gained direction, meaning and no ending.

So why choose Jesus? I looked into the other religions and thankfully I could see the deception created by each of them. I knew that there was a God and I had to find Him. It took stumbling into God's word expecting nothing and receiving everything to make me see that there was a God that loved me. I can't properly explain what it takes to come to belief in Christ, because it is such an unimaginable experience. I knew that my sin stank and I needed to be clean. So here is are some things God offers that the world doesn't:
-hope of something after life
-Reconciliation of sins through Jesus
-Love in an unfailing form
-A Father that guides and keeps us
-A spirit to Guide us
-the Perfect Father
-satisfaction that nothing on earth can offer

There are so many more than this, please add to the list!

I believe because Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old testament and the sacrificial Lamb for mankind. I believe because God's power is evident in his book and in the people which he works through now. Most of all I believe because once the blindness of my heart was gone I could see Jesus and I could see the light that is Faith and I have never wanted to turn away from Him. I think I'll be given more answers as I continue to seek God in my life.