Thursday, June 12, 2008

I have to say that I have been really overwhelmed by the grace of God these past weeks. We've started marriage counseling and it is so exciting to see how God has worked in Andrea's and my life throughout our relationship. Persevering through a mostly long distance relationship bears a lot of witness to God in our relationship. I had a conversation with someone who was starting a long distance relationship. I told her I'd gone 6 months without seeing Andrea, someone quickly added, "but you have God on your side". This struck me in a couple different ways. Unbelievers do watch our walks closely, they can see the new life that we live. That's why it is so important practice what you preach. One of the major things that damages our credibility is hypocrisy within Christianity. I have heard people say so many times, " she/he is a Christian and they do it why can't you". The subject doesn't matter, but the conflicting views projected on the unbeliever do.

26"So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. 27What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. Matthew 10:26-27

Make your life transparent so that the unbelieving may see the power of God in your life, but also so that when you sin your brother or sister may see and help you up.


Stephen McCaskell said...


Jordan said...

Your commitment has got me changing some of the things I do to.

Sam Sawatzky said...

Traditionally, marriage counseling is something that is done when the marriage is failing. Perhaps you are taking pre-marital counseling?m

His Workmanship said...

Well said Joey,
Isaiah 8:12"Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy ; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it."
We are not to fear what the world fears. Transparency is something that the world fears and the enemy uses this fear of transparency to distort truth and cripple believers because we can't help one another if we don't know one another and where we are truly at in life. Wearing masks and being false is so destructive and lonely; transparency takes courage and faith in the One we call Lord of our lives to turn our weaknesses into victories that bring Him honor and glory.