Monday, October 29, 2007

Almost Late

Okay so I had to work at 7am this morning, not that big of a deal right? So I went to bed at 10:30 and set my alarm for 5:30 because the bus comes at 6:19. Some time during the night I didn't sleep well and I shut of my alarm when it sounded and I did not get up. So then I woke up at 6:39 and say," oh crap!!" I made to work dressed and on time some how. I am very thankful for having a car for these accidental situations. I am quite enjoying my job, I never thought that I would think nothing of cooking 600 three course meals a day but it's happened. To all the people who don't read Andrea's Blog I am going to Regina for a couple of days to be with my sweetheart.


Nate said...

Good thing you leave before rush hour starts.

Andrea said...

I'm really excited! I'll see you tomorrow.

Mission Musings said...

Tag, you're it!

Jordan said...

At least your car doesn't get towed