Monday, March 26, 2007

Leap of Faith

Well, the family is gone, and now it's just me alone again for 3 more months, ho hum. No! it's not that boring, I have God by my side. Fellow Christians, when was the last time you have taken a leap of faith? My wonderful girlfriend Andrea, unknowingly supported my idea for this post. I'm sure she'll say something on her blog, and if not ask her about it. When I came to Dawson Creek I had so many doubts, so many fears, I had no idea why I should come here. The only sensible thought I had in my head was that learning to cook would help me to serve God better. Now as I near the end of my schooling I must search God's infinite wisdom for some more answers. But I thank him always for placing me here. It has grown my faith so much, it has brought Andrea and I closer together, but most importantly it has given me a chance to preach lost souls the grace of God. Don't be like the wealthy man who could not let go of his possessions. May nothing distract you from the course God has shown you for your life. Let go, let God.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Taking a leap of faith is the hardest thing to do, but once you jump, you are free because you no longer have to worry. Christ carries you! Thank you for this timely reminder!