Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Alright I've had it! I am tired of christian men tip toeing around the topic of sex. As a man I know that men are made with certain urges for the opposite sex. I will not go into this topic deeply because females do read this blog on occasion. As christian men we are called to uphold our bodies, to treat them as they were the temple of God. Too often I've talked to christian brothers and found that in all aspects of their life they can successfully strive for christian standards, except when it comes to purity. And that is exactly what is holding back your relationship with God. You cannot fully commit yourself to God when, inside you are filled with guilt, self loathing and depression. "13No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." 1 Corinthians 10:13 Jesus went through all the temptations we did, it is possible to maintain sexual integrity. By daily committing your desires,thoughts, and actions to God. Also it is helpful to have a trusted friend to talk to and hold you accountable, because we can't trust ourselves. Do not expect an overnight turn from bad habits, it takes fervent discipline. I know in the back of your mind you want to give into these sins, that is because the world is filled with sex, so instead replace TV, Internet, and unholy talk with God. Marinate yourself in the bible, in prayer and in christian literature. Also protect your computer http://www.xxxchurch.com/. Be all that God wants you to be.


Mission Musings said...

There is one more safeguard - perhaps the most important. It is the one of reasonable boundaries. Don't be one on one with your significant other after 10:00 p.m. Don't let them see you in your pyjamas. Don't let them come over and wake you up in the morning. Seems simple and almost useless, but I know couples who have sworn by this method of purity. If you don't allow the devil a place to tempt you, you are less likely to give in to those urges.

Jordan said...


One more reason that I want a credit card...