Monday, April 23, 2007

Don't Pull A Saul

I've been reading through 1 Samuel and I came to chapter 28, which is when Saul consults a witch because God would not help him. I related this to life, as we should when reading the bible. For some christians God is just a weekly event where they put on a mask and go to church, while the rest of the week God is in the closet. Part of Sauls shortcomings is because he disobeyed God, but he also had a tendency to put God on the shelf until a time of crisis came. God being the omnipotent being that he is decided to show Saul what happens when he only makes pitstop prayers. Saul had the sense to realize that his strength came from God, but he went to a spiritist when God didn't help him. There are obvious wrongs with consulting the devil after God has been the source of strength until that point. Later on Saul killed himself because the Philistines destroyed his family. Do we have a witch in our presence, is there something that you turn to because God's anwer isn't something you can swallow? Or are you guilty of making a relationship with God a weekly event? Be persistent and pray fervently so that you will know that whatever the outcome God is in it. Don't taint your faith with perverse sources.

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