Monday, November 26, 2007

On the heels of Christmas

That sneaky holiday has done it again; it's crept up on me and now I need to do some shopping. I'm really not that worried yet. Things like work and... well work keeps me pretty busy right now.

One thing that's been bothering me is the bus; it's full of people yet no one ever talks and there is so many creeps. I could go on about the weirdos and creeps I see, but it would accomplish nothing. I know that I am called to show love to everyone, but it's pretty hard to think loving thoughts when the middle aged pervert in front me gawks at every girl who gets on. What do I do in that situation? Zoning out into ipod land doesn't erase the obvious problems around me.

Congratulations to the Roughriders on their recent win. That is all.


Andrea said...

WOW... that was very political.

And I know what you mean about the pervert thing. It's very disturbing. I never know what to do, but then again, I am a girl... and I just run away when that happens to me.

Jordan said...

How do you define "creep"? Maybe everyone who looks at you thinks your a creep... I know it happens to me. And maybe the guy who was "gawking" had a breathing impediment. Just saying. But this does remind me of an older post about a guy following you in MacG.

Andrea said...

Are you talking to me, Jordan? Yes, I remember that. Let's just say I have an overactive imagination.

Sometimes you can just tell when people are creeps. You've no idea how degrading it is to get whistled at when you're just running across the street, or to obviously see a guy stop everything he's doing and watch you.

Jordan said...

Yeah sorry Andrea, I totally thought this was your blog when I was reading it.