Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sin separation

It is impossible for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle; so too is it impossible for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. It is not that the rich man was rich, it is that he held on to his riches before he would follow Christ.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It's almost Christmas if you haven't noticed yet. Work is steady because this is the season of eating. Half of my day consisted of standing behind a carving station cutting roast beef today. I'm excited to get 5-8 days off work and maybe go to Regina.

Lately I have felt the need to search for a deeper knowledge of Jesus. I've come to the scriptural conclusion that merely asking him into your heart is not enough, and that eternal life only comes from belief and repentance. Repentance meaning, "to think differently after", so true a true Christian must undergo change, not just say a prayer. I want to warn all those who do not know that they're road leads to destruction. Jesus spoke against the law because it had become the way in which Jews thought they guaranteed they're admission into paradise. He did not speak against the law so that we might ignore it. The biblical law was made to direct us to God. Look at the 13 letters to the churches, ignorance of the law led to disaster.

Now I would like to put forth how I heard the Gospel preached today by Paul Washer. There is no hope for mankind but Jesus. Jesus bore all our sin. God turned his face away from Jesus because Jesus had became sin upon the cross, and the all holy God cannot look upon sin. God crushed his son because he had become sin. Now because of Jesus' death we are able to commune with a holy God, despite our being made of sin.

So now what do you think God thinks of our sin when he killed his own son because he became sin?

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son. John 3:16

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The calm that quiets everything

I was lucky enough to have the day off today, it was a good day for regeneration. Once I finally escaped the house, the fresh falling snow hung in the air and crunched under foot like never before. This is the first real snow fall I've experienced in the City; it is incredible how much the snow quiets the traffic and even the thoughts. I've been revisiting why I am doing what I am. Am I doing it for God or even with him? I think the way I was hired into the Fairmont shows God at work, but I am not feeling it right now. Anyways, that is what is occupying my mind.

Monday, November 26, 2007

On the heels of Christmas

That sneaky holiday has done it again; it's crept up on me and now I need to do some shopping. I'm really not that worried yet. Things like work and... well work keeps me pretty busy right now.

One thing that's been bothering me is the bus; it's full of people yet no one ever talks and there is so many creeps. I could go on about the weirdos and creeps I see, but it would accomplish nothing. I know that I am called to show love to everyone, but it's pretty hard to think loving thoughts when the middle aged pervert in front me gawks at every girl who gets on. What do I do in that situation? Zoning out into ipod land doesn't erase the obvious problems around me.

Congratulations to the Roughriders on their recent win. That is all.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I've undergone one day of Fairmont orientation, which was surprisingly interesting. Although I cannot go into details due to conflict of interest. I listened to a very good sermon today that I think everyone should hear at least once. I could try to explain it but I would only lessen it's impact.

I'm not really sure what to do with my time, I can only sit here sipping eggnog for so long. Here's what I did yesterday though. Also Andrea, Michael, David and I created a few short stop motion clips which I will post when I figure out how to run them as film.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I've been tagged by my friend, Michelle.

Here are the rules:

The rules are simple… Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

Habit, defined:
A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition. An established disposition of the mind or character. Customary manner or practice: a person of ascetic habits. An addiction.

Fact, defined:
Something that actually exists; reality; truth. Something known to exist or to have happened.

1. I enjoy cleaning my ears.
2. Coffee in the morning.
3. I think that I have some sort of natural talent at everything even when I don't.
4. I need sharp knives.
5. I don't like the word emo.
6. I don't know why I'm a cook but I like it.
7. I enjoy using public transit.
8. My face is surgically altered.

I tag: Sam, Nate, David, Annemarie, Merribeth, max, and eric.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

I am in Regina and it is incredible. The time here I think is meant also to restore my spirit, because with the drive and the time alone while Andrea is working will be times of restoration. Today I am feeling the need for prayer. Prayer not of requests but of a contemplation and listening time with God. Martin Luther said it best, " I have so many demands today that I cannot possibly cope without at least 3 hours of prayer". Think of it this way, we eat everyday because we need food right. So if God is the bread of life then why do we only spend like 15 minutes a day with him. So like the literal food we eat we too need to spend time with God on a regular basis throughout the day. Spend time listening to God today.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Almost Late

Okay so I had to work at 7am this morning, not that big of a deal right? So I went to bed at 10:30 and set my alarm for 5:30 because the bus comes at 6:19. Some time during the night I didn't sleep well and I shut of my alarm when it sounded and I did not get up. So then I woke up at 6:39 and say," oh crap!!" I made to work dressed and on time some how. I am very thankful for having a car for these accidental situations. I am quite enjoying my job, I never thought that I would think nothing of cooking 600 three course meals a day but it's happened. To all the people who don't read Andrea's Blog I am going to Regina for a couple of days to be with my sweetheart.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Working at the Fairmont

It's been a week since I started my job at the Fairmont hotel. It has been a tiring yet very exciting and fun experience so far. I've made things I've never made before, I've seen Kanye West and I've spent a day with an odd rabbi. I am very impressed with everyone that I'm working with, everyone realizes that this is my first kitchen job and they take the time to teach me everything that I need to know. Today my chef and I even had a discussion about faith. I've been taking the bus to work, it has been very relaxing. Everyday I'll listen to a sermon on the way to work, I recommend this practice to anyone who has a 30 minute or longer commute to work. The Rabbi was at work because the Velvet Glove is putting on a kosher night for all the practicing Jews who cannot eat out and remain kosher. Anyways, this was the first time I'd met a rabbi and I did not expect him to joke around so much or sing along to akon on his laptop. Yes I think I like it here.

Monday, October 15, 2007

So not to much has happened around here. I started my job and am really enjoying it. I work with some really good guys who have been doing this job for a long time already. I learned how to take the bus today, it really isn't hard so don't laugh. The view from our apartment is exceptionally good today. I am currently making bread, it smells so good. No new insights other than those. Unless you have a suggestion for a college and career group that I should join.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What Do I Do Now?

So I'm moved in and i have till friday to do nothing. Blah. I' pretty pleased with the appartement aside from the distance I have to go for work. The challenge lies within idle time, maybe I should cherish it because it may be short lived. Or do I fill my time with useless activities like video games. I think that these times are when your sincerity towards God actually comes through. Joyn our comes from worshipping God but often that is the thing we put off as a last resort, or until we realize our sluggard and begin repenting. These are the times when we should build on our relationship with God, solving our repressed doubts and setting goals for the future.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


It's fall out and it's almost thanksgiving. I'm actually looking forward to family gatherings because I haven't been to one in so long. This is a long drawn out time of transition, I've been filling my time well enough with jobs I've neglected and have been recruited for. I finally put my bike back together and got it riding nicely. Farm work does not stop after harvest, so I'm doing that as well. Andrea is living in Regina so I am a little bit mopey. I just started a new book called " The Christian and The Pharisee", it is a heavy read but I'm excited. It's a rabbi and a reverend discussing the road to heaven via a long correspondence of letters. yup

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I'm back! (Well I'm excited anyway) So I spent the Summer at Valley View Bible Camp as the Head cook. It was a lot of fun and work, but still great. Right now I'm driving potato truck for the harvest. I'll be moving to Winnipeg in two weeks to live with Stephen and Jordan. I have been accepted as an apprentice for the Fairmont hotel. So that's what's happening in the physical aspect of things.

I've noticed a good trend occurring that emphasizes Men as spiritual for other men. I'm not taking a shot at women leaders, but they just can't have the same connection with men. What I'm seeing is a need for more mentors, for elders to take on youth and share their wisdom. It happens far too often that Christian youth grow up without being taught discipline and a need for holiness. So... Agree or disagree or say nothing that's my observation. Maybe I just need a mentor.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Well it would seem that I locked myself out of my room and for some reason the RA is not around. Things are winding down in Dawson Creek, I'm starting to say goodbye to people that I'll probably never see again. It's not like other final farewells though, I don't think I've spent this much time with friends and then just left for good. Sam is opposed to me leaving, I think he wants at least one blood relative around. Travis says he is following me to Winnipeg in the fall, I'll believe it when I see it. This tuesday also marks my final bible study with the group here, twice they thought other times were my last. I'm in a very rminiscent mood and probably will be until I leave. Meh

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I apolagize for the lack of posts lately. It's just too nice outside and well, all my posts would lean towards my anxiousness to go home. I leave on friday the 22nd at approx. 5 o'clock. My estimated arrival would be early morning on the 24th. I faced a little persecution today, one of my classmates said that christians were like soldiers in how we sing and sit in rows. She also said we look mindless sitting in our pews. I'll admit call to worship readings are a little wierd. I almost tore a strip off of her but I just stayed calm. It worries me that the only response I could think of was to tear her down. I guess I need to work on responding in love. What would your response be? She is a difficult person to talk to without bringing up religion. Oh well back to studying.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Opinions Wanted

Alright, has christianity become too secular? Does our worship, culture and lifestyle set us apart from the world? Let me elaborate, when a preacher says something like, " maybe potifers wife was getting any" do we recoil or do we take accept the statement without so much as a flinch. For example; christian hip hop is getting revolutionary, there is no way it would be mistaken for the secular crunk. The lyrics are deep, hopeful and accurate to the bible. The bible tells us to be separated from the world. We are called to be dead to the world. I think personal discression is nescessary if what we do causes another believer to stumble it is better to avoid that thing. I realize the braodness of this topic, it goes all the way from alcohol consumption to contempary worship. Please share an experince or opinion on the matter.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Five Course Meal

First- Chipotle shrimp in a fresh salsa

Second- Avocado stuffed chicken salad with a basil aioli and tomato vinaigrette

Third(mine)- Mango Pineapple Granite on an ice ball

Fourth- Pork with a Port wine sauce and asparagus spears in a potato jacket with brie inside

Fifth- Chocolate mousse cone, chocolate rum ganache, and strawberries and whipped cream in a sugar basket

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Go Down Death

I really like this poem and Wintley Phips makes it even better.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The lighthouse, it guides ships in fog, darkness and turbulent waters. Without the light house ships wreck themselves upon a rocky shore or get lost in a billowing sea. I like the analogy of seeing Jesus as our lighthouse, maybe it's because a previous pastor liked as well I don't know. Just think about it you are a ship lost in the fog, you can keep afloat if your not moving and that's about it, you don't know which direction to go or what dangers lurk in the darkness. If you follow the light of the lighthouse(Jesus) you are led to safety, dry ground and a sense of certainty. I find comfort in the certainty of Christ, he is my dry ground, I no longer float around relying on "fate" or "luck". Does your life lack direction? The lighthouse allows just enough light for you to see directly in front of you. Can you see the beam through the darkness?

Thursday, May 3, 2007

"Prayin' For You"

Father God, I'm prayin' to you for somebody, who knows you Lord but just hasn't, hasn't been seein' you in the right view lately, Hear me out...

Father, I'm prayin' for a friend he and I are pretty close, and out of all my friends for this one I'm concerned the most. He say he readin' daily but he ain't really learnin'. He been in church but say that he ain't moved by any sermon. His face weak, he ain't prayed in a week, he wake up and just weep with his face in the sink Lord, you gotta help my man, I'm prayin' for him daily, he ain't sinned but it just seem as if he goin' crazy. He say he feelin' trapped, can't even head up the mall coz every lady's half-dressed temptin' him to lust and fall. He keep the TV off, videos just make him feel that he ain't really nothin' without money, girls and shiny wheels. The other day he told me that he felt less a man coz he ain't have a five-year plan or a piece of land and man it's crazy coz his family think so much of him, plus he got a godly wife who always showin' love for him but he's strugglin', even though he talk to me, I tell him what to do but he don't listen when he oughta' be. I'm scared for him coz there's people that look up to him, he got some younger siblings who been changed by what he's done for them but is it done for him, Lord don't let it be, if he don't wanna talk to you then Father hear from me, is it done for him, Lord don't let it be, if he don't wanna talk to you then Father hear from me...

Yeah, I'm prayin' for you, yeah, I'm prayin' for you
Yeah, I'm prayin' for you, yeah, yeah, I'm prayin' for you...

God, his condition is worsen since we were last conversed and I'm with him now and he ain't doin' well and this I'm certain. He say he tryna' trust you, doesn't wanna disgust you but he was in the mist of sinners and did not discuss you and just today his anxiety's got the best of him, he knows Christ but for hours refuse to rest in Him, he's not the best of men but Lord I know he really loves you and I can't understand why lately he's not thinkin' of you. People trust this dude, you could crush this dude, Father he needs more of you I pray you touch this dude, what can I say to him? I'm determined to pray for him Father empty and brake him I pray you'll just have your way with him, coz there's a change in him and the effects are strong, I pray you open up his heart before the next song and when he gets home, I pray he'll open up the sixty-six book love letter you wrote and soak it up coz he ain't hearin' You and he ain't feelin' me and God I know it's killin' You because it's killin' me and matter of fact there's somethin' else he's concealin' see, the person that I've been prayin' about is really me...

Yeah, I'm prayin' for you, yeah, I'm prayin' for you
Yeah, I'm prayin' for you, yeah, yeah, I'm prayin' for you...


Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Great Comission

When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Is this an option? NO! All the authority of God is given to us if we just follow him. I can't even grasp the concept of having all the authority of Heaven and Earth. Are we ashamed of the gospel, I hope not.
Romans 1:16 "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile".
What is holding you back? Is it your pride? Reputation? Take your faith to the streets, create disciples.I Think of all the people close to me, if they died and didn't hear of Jesus, then I blame myself. The world needs Jesus more than we need to be liked.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Don't Pull A Saul

I've been reading through 1 Samuel and I came to chapter 28, which is when Saul consults a witch because God would not help him. I related this to life, as we should when reading the bible. For some christians God is just a weekly event where they put on a mask and go to church, while the rest of the week God is in the closet. Part of Sauls shortcomings is because he disobeyed God, but he also had a tendency to put God on the shelf until a time of crisis came. God being the omnipotent being that he is decided to show Saul what happens when he only makes pitstop prayers. Saul had the sense to realize that his strength came from God, but he went to a spiritist when God didn't help him. There are obvious wrongs with consulting the devil after God has been the source of strength until that point. Later on Saul killed himself because the Philistines destroyed his family. Do we have a witch in our presence, is there something that you turn to because God's anwer isn't something you can swallow? Or are you guilty of making a relationship with God a weekly event? Be persistent and pray fervently so that you will know that whatever the outcome God is in it. Don't taint your faith with perverse sources.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Okay, six weird facts about me...
-I ride a unicycle
-One of my legs has different color hair than the other
-My family used to raise Emus
-I enjoy mud bathing
-My feet are Hobbit like
-I can play the spoons

Alright then, that was informative. Jordan is now it.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Shout Him Out!

There is not a lot going on right now, but I thank God for that because it gives me more time to focus on him. Now I want to challenge everybody who reads this. In our daily life there are always times where we get a little sheepish about our faith, times when we decide that this is not the place for God. I know I am guilty of doing this. Something that offends me every day is people taking the name of the lord in vain. The name of Jesus makes me flinch, but when it is said out of frustration it is more of a shudder that occurs. I know I am tired of this, and as all of you as my witnesses I will confront this. If there is a situation where you are suppressing saying something for Jesus, let it plague you no longer. The rocks are already crying out, give them a microphone!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

It's that time

It seems it is the time of year that no one has anything to write about. The ground is soggy, the streets are filthy and it's spring! I think this time of year makes people stir crazy, Travis and Gus dyed their hair black and I dyed my left leg hair, odd. At this time I would like to encourage everyone. Whatever struggles are presenting themselves with your faith, any frustrations or doubts.

10And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully 12giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you[d] to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. 13For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14in whom we have redemption,[e] the forgiveness of sins. Colossians 1:10-13

I could say more but that pretty much sums it up. God's goodness will lead men to repentance.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I've been to Merritt

For my Easter weekend , my friend Travis and I went to to his h hometown of Merritt. The weather was very warm people were cowboys. I was laughed at because my horse riding skills are lacking and I cringed at the sight of calves being seared.I I think the most eye opening part of the trip was the close connection between family. I am guilty of taking my family for granted,or maybe my family isn't as close knit as I would like. Should I blame TV for pulling families apart ?Should I blame the disfunctional families that are portrayed? No, I think I'll just encourage everyone to spend more time, actually put effort into the ties you have with your relatives, savor the fellowship.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Sunday, April 1, 2007


I have started to go to You Tube more often and my findings are unpleasant. One of my friends Joseph in Dawson Creek has started up a you tube ministry. He presents facts on Christianity and debates atheism. His segments are called Skeptics Antidote. I am in all in favor of this sort of ministry if, it is done with the right attitude and the right knowledge. What troubles me is the responses. There is such hostility between atheists and Christians, rightfully so, but what really concerns me is how this hurts the ministry of Jesus. For the most part people debating atheists are just spreading hatred, and the hardening of hearts. In what way can we approach these sorts of conversations, yes with love and sensitivity, any other suggestions?

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Psalm 90

BOOK IV : Psalms 90-106
A prayer of Moses the man of God.
1 Lord, you have been our dwelling place
throughout all generations.

2 Before the mountains were born
or you brought forth the earth and the world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.

3 You turn men back to dust,
saying, "Return to dust, O sons of men."

4 For a thousand years in your sight
are like a day that has just gone by,
or like a watch in the night.

5 You sweep men away in the sleep of death;
they are like the new grass of the morning-

6 though in the morning it springs up new,
by evening it is dry and withered.

7 We are consumed by your anger
and terrified by your indignation.

8 You have set our iniquities before you,
our secret sins in the light of your presence.

9 All our days pass away under your wrath;
we finish our years with a moan.

10 The length of our days is seventy years—
or eighty, if we have the strength;
yet their span [a] is but trouble and sorrow,
for they quickly pass, and we fly away.

11 Who knows the power of your anger?
For your wrath is as great as the fear that is due you.

12 Teach us to number our days aright,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

13 Relent, O LORD! How long will it be?
Have compassion on your servants.

14 Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,
that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.

15 Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us,
for as many years as we have seen trouble.

16 May your deeds be shown to your servants,
your splendor to their children.

17 May the favor [b] of the Lord our God rest upon us;
establish the work of our hands for us—
yes, establish the work of our hands.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Monday, March 26, 2007

Leap of Faith

Well, the family is gone, and now it's just me alone again for 3 more months, ho hum. No! it's not that boring, I have God by my side. Fellow Christians, when was the last time you have taken a leap of faith? My wonderful girlfriend Andrea, unknowingly supported my idea for this post. I'm sure she'll say something on her blog, and if not ask her about it. When I came to Dawson Creek I had so many doubts, so many fears, I had no idea why I should come here. The only sensible thought I had in my head was that learning to cook would help me to serve God better. Now as I near the end of my schooling I must search God's infinite wisdom for some more answers. But I thank him always for placing me here. It has grown my faith so much, it has brought Andrea and I closer together, but most importantly it has given me a chance to preach lost souls the grace of God. Don't be like the wealthy man who could not let go of his possessions. May nothing distract you from the course God has shown you for your life. Let go, let God.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Family today!

Today was officially my first day back in the dining room, which means I made fancy food, which is why i'm here. My parents and david arrive today, i am currently waiting for them. On the spiritual side, I have discovered(through reading Soul Feast by Marjorie j. Thompson, thanks Sister in law) that there is a whole different dimension to reading the bible. It is a style created by the benedictine monks. I cannot remember the latin word for it but I will tell you so you may benefit from it aswell. It starts with lectio or reading, first read the text over, do it slowly let it sink in. Next is meditatio visualize as you read so that it sticks in your mind. Then, oratio speak, sing or pray as the text moves you. Lastly, relax, meditate on what you've read, apply it to your life, extract new truths from God's word. Remember to not rush this process, set aside time daily to read the bible. Always give God the best of your time, not when you wake up tired and groggy, or when your eyes keep closing.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Alright I've had it! I am tired of christian men tip toeing around the topic of sex. As a man I know that men are made with certain urges for the opposite sex. I will not go into this topic deeply because females do read this blog on occasion. As christian men we are called to uphold our bodies, to treat them as they were the temple of God. Too often I've talked to christian brothers and found that in all aspects of their life they can successfully strive for christian standards, except when it comes to purity. And that is exactly what is holding back your relationship with God. You cannot fully commit yourself to God when, inside you are filled with guilt, self loathing and depression. "13No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." 1 Corinthians 10:13 Jesus went through all the temptations we did, it is possible to maintain sexual integrity. By daily committing your desires,thoughts, and actions to God. Also it is helpful to have a trusted friend to talk to and hold you accountable, because we can't trust ourselves. Do not expect an overnight turn from bad habits, it takes fervent discipline. I know in the back of your mind you want to give into these sins, that is because the world is filled with sex, so instead replace TV, Internet, and unholy talk with God. Marinate yourself in the bible, in prayer and in christian literature. Also protect your computer Be all that God wants you to be.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Little Blue Church

Through the glass doors, the familiar odour stimulates the nostrils, greeted warmly by smiling faces with outstretched arms. Into the sanctuary, breath drawn, I let the presence of God and fellow believers saturate and quiet my wandering spirit. Traditional melodies emanate from the piano, harmonies evolve from inked out hymnals. A brother takes the stand, truths of the gospel are revealed through the various interpretations of God's perfect message. From every ones week come forth new trials, praises and dilemmas. The requests given and received by the Father are made known. The informal formalities finished, rich aromas of coffee waft, the fellowship begins, some speak of observations from the service, others small talk, and some listen. The congregation leaves, educated through the Church, reassured through praise, and confident through such a great cloud of witnesses. Little Blue Church

Friday, March 16, 2007

Take it away now

The importance of fasting is something that is relevant to all believers, but is not practiced often enough. The book study on "Soul Feast" that Annemarie has been leading has tweaked some thinking for me. This past week we have been assigned to read the chapter on fasting. Fasting is not just something your parents do, it should be an integral part of our walk with God. Fasting is when one resists something that is an indulgence, such as too much food, TV, spending money, or gossip. When we don't allow our indulgences to control us then that is one less thing to come between yourself and God. While you are fasting your mind and body will long for the forbidden thing, at that time you are reminded of God and the reason you are fasting. Let God fill your desires, we do not live on bread alone, hunger should not master us. If you do not fast regularily, try it for a day this week. Be reminded of the sacrifice Jesus made for you.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I'm back

Hello everybody, I am back!
I apologize if my last post was a little bleak, it wasn't really that bad. I made some new friends from Terrace and from Nanimo,BC. The mountains were especially ominous to this prairie boy, the northern lights shone boldly and the coffee was delicious. I will try to post some pictures but I'm not promising anything. Anyways, I want to encourage all the believers out there. Recently I have been evaluating how I carry myself as A Christian. Does my demeanor emulate Christ, do people notice an unearthly essence in me? While in Whitehorse I was told that I stood out, that there was something was different about me- well that was all God- because I felt that I was struggling. If you are feeling that you aren't being all that you can be for God, that's when God is using you the most, because when you have no hope in yourself your pride is gone. Pride of life is the downfall of man. Be poured out wine and stale bread for Christ.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

It's Hard out here for a Cook

Hello from the north! I am in whitehorse. It is cold but now slightly less cold. The scenery is fantastic. I am now beginning to realize the filth of the world. For anyone who has not worked in a kitchen, it is not a pretty place for a christian. It was said that cooks are either gay or alcoholic, and that is hardly an exageration. But Jesus loves everybody. It's not to say that I am not making some good friends, but maintaining a christ like attitude and demeanor is not easy when engulfed in filth. So please pray for me. Tomorrow we are going on a day trip to alaska. I cannot wait to get back to a closer place to home.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Escaping to the Cold

Alright, I'm a little distracted from my usual writing because I'm going to the Yukon tomorrow. I'm volunteering at the Canada winter games. I will be cooking for 6000 people a day for 20 days. Anyways I am quite unsure of what to expect, but I think I'll experience some tests of faith while I'm there. Although that reminds me of how many daily oppurtunities we have to set ourselves apart from the heathens. I can't help but quote Michelle, "don't do something that a non-christian could do just as well". I know I'm guilty of joining the wrong conversations, not serving with all of me, or avoiding my faith because of embarassment. Take time to asses daily situations and avoid compromising your integrity as a witness.

Monday, February 19, 2007


I was moved by the church service yesterday, so I thought I'd share. It was all about being silent before God, finding a place and time to marinate in his presence. Among all the hassles of life I find that I fall into a grab and go style of prayer. I come to God make a weak attempt at acknowledging him in all his greatness, then I selfishly go into the requests and feel that I am nothing more than a clanging cymbal. Now Jesus always took time on his own to talk to the father, in the garden, in the desert. So why do we avoid separation from our concerns? I encourage you to go and find your secret place, so that you may be silent, and just listen.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

From the Dust

From this selfish state I will be broken, like a dropped plate.
my mind eludes me, I believe it's lies, running, trying to escape my demise.
stumbling, falling in the abyss, temporarily I trust in short lived bliss.
the trap i'm in, it's gross, it's filthy, it's known as sin.
I cannot fool myself any longer, this hypocritical life has never been wronger.
desperate i look to heaven, misplaced, I stick out like finger eleven.
this is the right mood, realizing i'll only be filled with spiritual food.
my utmost is for his highest, but my will will always be biased.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Take Captive Every Thought

As we grow in a meaningfull relationship with christ, surrender should be our main focus. Specifically today I will share some thoughts on surrendering our thoughts. What it means to give your thoughts to God is to get rid of all selfish, violent, and lustful parts of ourselves that lurk beneath the surface. Our imagination is a dangerous thing, it controls what we are actually feeling, it knows what the evil desire of our heart is. The reason that the mind is such a dangerous thing is because you are the only one who can control it, it is only accountable to you ( and God but we pretend like he's not there). "Still waters run deep,muddy waters won't keep, what's done in secret comes to life"-Grits. When we change all our thoughts to glorify God, when our imagination is directed on envisioning Christ, the impact is uncomparable. If you can live, breathe and dream Christ then- wow it's unbelievable. Let's make this life a dress rehearsal for heaven.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Check out the words that Flame brings in this song "Wars of the Mind".

Wars of the Mind

Verse 1: Sometimes I feel like Moses man I just want to run to Midian/ just to change my state but not the state where my city’s in/ but my state of mind/ look for a sign like Gideon/ cause my faith is wavering I’m forsaking dependence again/ you took me from Egypt just to make me a leader/ but like Moses I’m not an eloquent speaker/ I’m not eloquent either/ not before nor after you’ve spoken/ me in ministry you’ve gotta be jokin’/ I feel like Jeremiah/ here are my bones Lord and here is my fire/ I’m inadequate to represent the messiah/ call me the weepin’ rapper/I read a chapter then I’m heapin’ up laughter/ because I’m weak and I can see the disaster of me in ministry/ I feel Job I curse the day of my birth/ since I was born its only payin’ me hurt/ my insecurities worse/ sometimes I wish that that night was barren/ either that or Lord send me an Aaron

Verse 2: This song is for you my sisters and brothers who strugglin’ with depression/ not just the blues but a struggle with depression/ maybe it’s clinical and got you taking medicine/ or maybe not but you taking counseling session and/ that’s excellent/ take your medicine/ if you need it cause this is pleasin’ to Jesus/ I write this song for the schizophrenic/ who only gets left alone and throne in a hospital only to panic/ and whose family doesn’t understand/ so they treat you like an animal but never would the Son of Man/ for those who ask what’s going inside of me/ who feels bound by fear bound by anxiety/ I write to you because I know the/ very God who’s in control of bipolar/ I write to those who wrestle with thoughts of suicide/ don’t do it cause Jesus loves you for you He died
Hook: For every tear that you cry for all of the wars in your mind and the fears that you hide know that He’s there know that He’s walking with you I know that it’s hard to press on when the nights seem so long remember His word is your hope so know that He cares know that He’s walking with you

Verse 3: The core problem is that Adam sinned/ and since then to now its 8 out of 10/ women and men and children who struggle with depression/ especially house wives and preachers they’re people who struggle with depression/ I write this song for that introverted/ insecure person that’s training his thoughts into thinking he’s worthless/ God made you/ God can save you/ in everything you can give Him worship/ you’re not worthless/ Lord I pray for the mentally ill/ that in your ministry you mentally heal/ those who suffer with it/ if not now then you eventually will heal your children that are mentally ill/ for now they suffer with it/ give us the strength just deal with your will/ because we sinners and we wrestle with it/ just like Job did it/ I write this song for those who were sexually abused/ lookin’ for weaponry to use seek Jesus

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Something that struck me today is the need for humility. I know it isn't easy to be humble in this world. Our society is fuelled by wealth and power. The need to be humble is especially important to christians. By humbling ourselves to God and to others we give up control and truly make our bodies a living sacrifice. When we surrender control of our futures, relationships, and pride we open ourselves to whatever God is trying to say. Try doing something without expecting recognition, without thinking of yourself. Do dishes if they aren't yours, shovel a driveway for someone, encourage a person in your life. You may dislike the saying but there is truth in these words, what would Jesus do?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Alright, it has come to my attention recently that the world is encased in addictions. My question is, what is the draw? Why do people become addicted to tobacco, alcohol and sex. It has to be more than the obvious stimulants that attract people. I am asking this question in all honesty, coming from a close minded christian home. I understand that once a person is hooked it is a chemical fight inside of them. Or is it our sinful nature that screws us over? Are all addicts just weak willed people? I really can't get my head around this, maybe it's just because I get my high from the Most High.

Monday, February 12, 2007

First Rant

I don't know how many of you have seen the new Nike commercial, but I am quite put off by it. The commercial features bold symphonic music and quick attractive images, not unlike most commercials. It was the end that shocked me, the commercial ends with a white track suit clad baskeball team strutting towards the camera with the sunrise behind them. This is not the problem and it not a problem that they happen to be of a colored race i am not racist. The kicker was the ending when text appears on the bottom of the screen readin,g "The Second Coming". I may be out of line here but I think that was blasphemy, I think that Nike just compared their products to the return of Jesus. This, to me is unnacceptable, to have my Lord, my Saviour compared to pieces of thread. I challenge my readers to look for the ills of society, to put on your God goggles and see the world for what it is, prepare yourself for depression.